One of these statements below is true and the other three are false Which one is true

Week 1 Quiz >>> One of these statements below is true and the other three are false Which one is true >>> Object-Oriented Data Structures in C++


Every function in C++ must return a value.

C++ is “strongly typed” which means that the type of every variable is assigned when the variable is declared, and the type of a variable cannot change once the variable is declared.


When you write a C++ program, the program begins when the operating system calls the function “main().”



The file indicated by the string after the “#include” directive is compiled before the rest of the current file is compiled.


We have to reference the namespace to access the classes defined in it.


The “using” keyword indicates to the compiler from which namespace references to classes and variables should be found.


Namespaces allow different libraries to use the same label for a class or variable because they can each define a unique namespace to differentiate them when they are used together in a program.



This is called the “streaming” operator and sends the operand on its right to the stream on its left. Syntactically, the expression also evaluates to the stream on the left, so the line:

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