Home » Introduction to Neurohacking In R » Which of the following are elements of a list when reading in a DICOM in R Which of the following are elements of a list when reading in a DICOM in R Theme 2 Lecture 1 Quiz >>> Which of the following are elements of a list when reading in a DICOM in R >>> Introduction to Neurohacking In R 1. Question 1 Which of the following are elements of a list when reading in a DICOM in R? (select all the apply) 1 point hdr par nifti analyze rec img ———————————————————————————————— 4. Question 4 What package in R can be used in read DICOM files? 1 point dicomR oro.dicom readDICOM oro.nifti ———————————————————————————————— 2. Question 2 The DICOM files in our data contain 1 point the entire brain multiple slices of the brain a longitudinal collection of MRI studies one slice of the brain ————————————————————————————————5. Question 5 What function from the R package oro.dicom can be used to read a DICOM file into R? 1 point readNIfTI oroREAD readDICOM dicomREAD ———————————————————————————————— 3. Question 3 DICOM stands for Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine 1 point False True Other Questions Of This Category The NIfTI file format is NOTWith the overlay function in oro.nifti NAs areWhat type of image format does ANTsR use in RApplying a mask to an image can be done with what operationThe fslr function fsl_biascorrect calls what function in FSLTo use the brain extraction tool in fslr what command should be usedANTsR is a collection of only R routinesWhich type of registration is performed in this lecture before a nonlinear registrationThe function bias correct is part of which packageWhat is a wrapper functionWhich templates are used in this lectureWhat does the function ants_regwrite in the R package extrantsr doAfter the registration and interpolation the ROI in our example is still a binary imageA pipelinefslr is