Which of the following expressions does NOT compute the average of two integers a and b?

Module 2 Quiz >>> Which of the following expressions does NOT compute the average of two integers a and b >>> Getting Started with Go



Correct! The Replace() function is used to replace the first 2 instances of “ni” with “in”. There are only 2 instances of “ni” in the original string, so all instances of “ni” are replaced.


That’s right! This code does not compile correctly. The variable y is declared to be a pointer, but x is not a pointer, it is an integer. The statement “x = &y” attempts to assign x to be a pointer to a pointer. Since x is not a pointer at all, this causes an error.


That’s correct! All of the types are equally accurate. The number of bits only reflect the range of integers (maximum and minimum) that can be represented.


Correct! The loop generates successive numbers in the fibonacci series. The loop iterates 5 times and x1 and x2 are initialized to the first 2 numbers in the series, so the 7th number in the series is generated, 8.



Correct! The integer 10 is assigned to the variable i since Atoi() produces an integer. Variable y then receives a value of 20 since it is i multiplied by 2.