Personas are purely fictional characters

Design Constraints and Making Choices >>> Personas are purely fictional characters >>> UX Design: From Concept to Prototype


While personas don’t correspond to any one real person, they are based on data about real people and are intended to represent real potential users of the system that is being designed.


Personas represent distinct groups of target users. Their number, therefore, is a function of how many such classes of users designers have identified.


As vivid stories, scenarios enable designers and other stakeholders to reflect on what is needed to meet user needs, and how the technology under development might be appropriated and misappropriated by different user groups. In this way, designers are able to anticipate both barriers that users 



Storyboards are very effective at conveying physicality of technology use—physical environment and physical constraints—as well as emotions and interactions of different actors.


Like for sketching, drawing skills help, but even designers with limited drawing skills can create useful storyboards.


While sometimes the right path forward is clear, often, throughout the design process, designers will have multiple paths they can pursue, each of which will have its strengths and weaknesses. 


Personas should incorporate information that is relevant to how each group of target users would relate to the technology being developed: their needs, barriers to use, motivations for using the system, etc.


Criteria articulate conditions that the design needs to meet, and, therefore, provide the standard by which to compare different options.


Scenarios help designers envision how a technology might be used to help target users accomplish a goal or meet a need that has been identified in formative work. As such, scenarios begin to articulate the functionality that