Which of the following is a true statement?

Module 3 Quiz >>> Which of the following is a true statement >>> Enterprise and Infrastructure Security



Correct! Hash functions, in fact, accept variable length input and map to fixed length output, usually expressed as an integer.


Correct! It is reasonable to view Tor as being a means for engaging in on-line activities that cannot be monitored by authorities.



Correct! All these statements are true with respect to hashing.


Correct! Communications is clearly part of critical infrastructure; the others are important, but likely not viewed as critical.


Correct! The Chaum blinding approach is designed to support anonymous activity on the Internet.


Correct! A hash function is a security mitigation used to reduce the risk of certain cyber attacks.



Correct! Blockchain is specifically a form of distributed auditing.


Correct! While these answers are all casual, they are correct with respect to critical infrastructure.


Correct! The idea is that when a bad change is made to blockchain (meaning one that does not reflect a real transaction), the amount of work to cover things up is generally so large that the unacceptable change will become noticed.


Correct! Hardware bugs are not typically attributed in any direct way with attribution of a cyber attack to a specific individual or group.