Which of the following is not an example of social engineering?

Module 1 Quiz >>> Which of the following is not an example of social engineering >>> Enterprise and Infrastructure Security




Correct! Demanding billing information from your ISP seems like a perfectly reasonable activity, unless you are lying to get someone else’s information.


Correct! While having budget and time with the CEO are useful, spending time with staff explaining phishing attacks is the best choice listed.



Correct! All these listed situations are potentially exploited to make a phishing attack work.


Correct! Everyone needs security awareness information, even experts in the field.


Correct! While audits technically can help with almost anything, detection of gaps with respect to frameworks is the most likely helpful.


Correct! Each of these are benefits of using a GRC platform tool in the enterprise.


Correct! None of these statements are correct. Compliance and security complement one another.


Correct! Spear phishing targets specific people, usually high value individuals, or at least someone with access to reasonably valuable corporate information.


Correct! Security assessments do benefit from the presence of GRC programs and platforms.


Correct! NIST is a reputable organization with wide reach – and this is a major advantage of the standard.