emissions of a vehicle using biogas from dedicated biomass crops are

Electric Vehicles and Mobility

Chapter 2 assessment


Question 1

TTW (Tank-to-Wheels) emissions of a vehicle using biogas from dedicated biomass crops are:

1 / 1 point

Yes. This is the carbon neutrality principle, the CO2 emissions released during biogas combustion are considered to be the same as those captured by the crops while growing.


Question 2

From a WTW (Well-to-Wheels) perspective, the electric vehicle has more advantages in a country with an electric power mix:

1 / 1 point

Yes. Good answer, this energy mix has two low-carbon energy sources: nuclear and renewable. However, this electricity mix can have other impacts.


Question 3

Prospective scenarios: (Select the correct answer(s))

1 / 1 point

Yes. Forward planning using prospective scenarios involves exploring several possible futures. We assume that we do not choose the world in which we will evolve.


Question 4

IPCC prospective scenarios: (Select the correct answer(s))

1 / 1 point

Indeed, they don’t. Controlling demographics is not enough to guarantee lower emissions. Moreover, forward planning using prospective scenarios is not intended to quantify the probability 


Question 5

Reduction of air pollutant emissions from transportation:

1 / 1 point

Yes. But this can lead to simply transferring emissions to the electricity sector (which has the advantage of allowing the implementation of solutions for treating these emissions on fixed sites – po


Question 6

When two identical sound sources emit simultaneously and independently, the resulting sound pressure level is:

1 / 1 point

Yes. With logarithmic rules to be used with decibels, to double the sources is equivalent to add a 10*log(2) term, i.e. 3 dB.


Question 7

A vehicle I with an internal combustion engine and a vehicle E with an electric engine, are fitted with identical tires. They are driving one after the other at constant speed of 70 km/h. Which of these two vehicles will produce the highest sound pressure level when passing by a sound level meter located on the road side?

1 / 1 point

Yes.At this speed, tire/road noise predominates for both vehicles. And because they are equipped with the same tires, their sound emission will be roughly the same.


Question 8

Under which condition(s) will the impact of electric vehicles on urban noise reduction be significant? (Select the correct answer(s))

1 / 1 point

Yes. Noise reduction of an EV compared to an ICE vehicle of the same range is higher when engine noise predominates. That is the case at low speed. 

Yes. The logarithmic addition of noise levels gives more importance to highest levels. The noisiest sources (ICE vehicles) must be in a proportion as small as possible –


Question 9

For the Electric Vehicle (EV) in France, which life cycle stage has the highest contribution to climate change potential?

 1 point


Question 10

Does the EV perform better than the ICEV on any environmental impact? (Select the correct answer(s))

1 / 1 point

True. In France, the EV performs better than the ICEV on the GHG criterion (starting from 50,000 km), but also on the photochemical ozone creation potential (starting from 60,000 km),

True. In France, the EV performs better than the ICEV on the GHG criterion (starting from 50,000 km), but also on the photochemical ozone creation potential (starting from 60,000 km), and on the depletion of fossil resources potential (starting from 30,000 km). The EV is roughly equivalent to the