Home » Leadership Through Marketing » The Harrah’s story from Video 3-3, Why Analytics Requires Process and Incentive Changes, timecode 00:32 illustrates that: The Harrah’s story from Video 3-3, Why Analytics Requires Process and Incentive Changes, timecode 00:32 illustrates that: 4. Question 4 The Harrah’s story from Video 3-3, Why Analytics Requires Process and Incentive Changes, timecode 00:32 illustrates that: 1 point Analytics is hard to perform without top level management involvement Analytics can drive business value Analytics can serve to differentiate a company from its competitors Analytics requires a holistic (360 degree) view of the customer All of the above Other Questions Of This Category The wine club story from Video 3-4, Why Analytics Has to Be Problem Driven, timecode 00:23 shows that the analytics proposed for their pro-active churn management failed because:The search engine advertising graph from Video 3-2, Why Analytics Requires Managerial Judgment, timecode 1:53 fails to show that search engine advertising works becauseWhy was it possible for the Moneyball story to happen in the 2000s and not before then, like in the 1990s or 1980s?The fact that analytics is a leadership problem implies that:A working knowledge of data science allow you to:To obtain a knowledge of data science you need to be good at:Complete this sentence: Data science…