To many who are not trained security is thought of as what

Digital Security Awareness

Module 1: Course Overview


  1. To many who are not trained security is thought of as what?
    Choose one answer.
  • Belief that you are free from danger on your day-to-day activities
  • Having a lock on your front door
  • Complete risk remediation
  • Having no vulnerabilities


2. What is the number one method used to perform a digital hack?
Choose one answer.

  • Dictionary attacks
  • Identity theft
  • Brute force
  • Social engineering


3. When a hacker demands money to return your digital information, it’s often referred to as what?
Choose one answer.

  • Reputation defamation
  • Identity theft
  • Digital bullying
  • Digital blackmail


4. True or False: Only large corporations or government agencies have to worry about being scanned.
Answer true or false

  • True
  • False


5. Security (according to the ISC2) is often broken down into how many different topics or domains?
Choose one answer.

  • 10
  • 1
  • 5
  • An ever increasing number