You just learned that you have a new credit card being used in your name

Digital Security Awareness

Module 4: Identity Theft


  1. You just learned that you have a new credit card being used in your name. You’re more than likely a victim of what?
    Choose one answer.
  • Banking error
  • Accounting malpractice
  • Defamation attacks
  • Identity theft


2. What method could be used to steal your credit card numbers for illegal use?
Choose one answer.

  • All of the above
  • Address change notification
  • Double swiping
  • Skimming


3. True or False: It’s ok to use the same password for all of your online accounts, just as long as it’s a complex and long password.
Answer true or false

  • True
  • False


4. True or False: One of the best ways to get rid of your private documents would be through shredding.
Answer true or false

  • True
  • False


5. What kind of fraud alert is capable of freezing your credit reports for about 90 days?
Choose one answer.

  • Monthly
  • Extended
  • Initial
  • Starter


6. An identity thief just took a picture of your credit card when you pulled it from your wallet to use at the cashier’s POS. What type of social engineering attack would that be?
Choose one answer.

  • Dumpster diving
  • Eavesdropping
  • Shoulder surfing
  • Theft


7. True or False: Stolen identities are only used for online theft or financial gain.
Answer true or false

  • True
  • False