What kind of interviews are you learning about in this course?

Interview Protocols >>> What kind of interviews are you learning about in this course >>> Understanding User Needs


This course does not cover focus groups, remote interviews, surveys, or unstructured interviews, though these techniques may be used in user needs assessments.


Interviews should be arranged with users or potential users at a time and place that are most like when they typically use the product or service.



This particular question has many flaws!


Yes, a semi-structured interview is based on a prepared protocol, but it will deviate from the protocol and be conversational in style.


You may not necessarily ask participants the overarching question, but it is useful as a focus for the entire interview.


The introduction will typically include self-introduction, interview goals, expected duration, confidentiality issues, voluntary nature, and request for permissions.


In the next question, you’ll be asked to provide the reason why this answer is correct.


This is a good question because it is open-ended, not leading, not judgmental, and about a specific, concrete instance. (However, the other questions may be appropriate in some circumstances.)



Interview questions should be ordered to have good flow, and it’s worthwhile to think of follow-up questions in advance, in case the participant doesn’t supply all of the information you are seeking.