Work Smarter Not Harder Coursera Quiz

Work Smarter Not Harder Coursera Quiz Answer. In this post you will get Quiz Answer Of Work Smarter Not Harder Coursera


Work Smarter Not Harder Coursera Quiz

Offered By ”University of California”

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Week- 1

Smart Work Habits Just Don’t Happen

Question 1
After completing this course, you will never need to work overtime again.

1 point

  • True
  • False

Question 2
Sam spent his Friday afternoon researching some sales numbers. He lost track of time and was late with a report he owed his boss. This is an example of:

1 point

  • Sam being highly productive.
  • Sam being highly proactive.
  • Sam engaging in quality work.
  • Sam engaging in unproductive work.

Question 3
Which one of these is a benefit of having a plan for your work?

1 point

  • Your plan will then never change.
  • If you are asked to make a change, you know the impact of that change.
  • You do not have to worry about when things are due.
  • You can spend your time doing what you want to do.

Question 4
Your manager has asked you to have a presentation ready for her by 3 pm. You are working on another report for her that is due at 1 pm. It is now 10 am and you have 2.5 hours left of work on the report and it will take 4 hours to complete the presentation. What do you do?

1 point

  • Ask her if the report can be turned in after the presentation, perhaps by 5.
  • Go home sick because you have a headache.
  • Finish the report and be late with the presentation because she assigned you the report first.
  • Work on the presentation, then the report and do not ask her it if is OK for the report to be late.

Question 5
Most of your colleagues use a specific time management system. It is not required by your company; they just all happen to like it. You have tried it for about one month now and it does not work for you. The best thing for you to do is to stick with it.

1 point

  • True
  • False

Question 6
If your manager cannot or will not tell you what your priorities are you should:

1 point

  • Do whatever you want with your time.
  • Pay attention to what is talked about and what others are working on.
  • Report your manager to human resources for being incompetent.
  • Define your own priorities without worrying about what is going on around you.



Week- 2

Time Is the Most Limited Resource

Question 1
What is the one resource you can never acquire more of?

1 point





Question 2
The correct formula for work/life balance is:

1 point

Spend 60% of your time working and 40% on everything else.

Spend 8 hours a day working, 8 hours a day sleeping and 8 hours a day on other things.

Spend your time in a way that supports your goals and values.

Spend as much time on work as you can, this is how you will get ahead.

Question 3
Once you have a formula for work/life balance it will always remain the same.

1 point



Question 4
Time tracking can be useful for all of us, no matter how long we have been part of the work force.

1 point



Question 5
The best way to understand where your time goes is to:

1 point

Ask your co-workers; they see what you do and they know how you spend your time.

Go with your best guesses; you have a general sense of what you do and that is enough.

Track your time using a table or system, which will best allow you to learn where your time really goes.

Ask your boss to keep track of you for one month and then have him or her report their results back to you.

Question 6
Strategic reserve time is:

1 point

Time you have to perform your day-to-day tasks.

Time remaining after you have performed your basic job functions.

Time you secretly block out on your calendar so that you will not be overbooked.

Time your manager secretly blocks out for you so that you will not be overbooked.



Week- 3

Little Tips That Make a Big Impact

Question 1
The best estimates come from:

1 point

The internet.

Your boss.


Your colleagues.

Question 2
What should you NOT do if you didn’t know how long a task would take?

1 point

Ask a subject matter expert.

Compare it to work that is similar in nature.

Look for records from last time this work was completed.

Make up a number that seems right.

Question 3
You know that it takes you two minutes per slide to give a presentation. You have 10 slides. How long should you allow for your presentation and what type of estimate are you using?

1 point

20 minutes and this is a parametric estimate.

20 minutes and this is an analogous estimate.

20 minutes and this is an expert estimate.

20 minutes and this is a wise estimate.

Question 4
You receive an email and it requires you to take action. You can complete the action in 2 minutes or less. What do you do?

1 point

Delete it; if it was important it would require more than 2 minutes.

Do it and get it out of the way.

File it in your actions folder for later.

File it in your reference folder for later.

Question 5
The approach we discussed for managing emails and texts cannot be used for other inbox type items.

1 point



Question 6
If you are not productive during a specific time of day you should:

1 point

Tell your management you cannot work during that time.

Use flex-time as best you can and perform your less complex tasks during that time of day.

Use flex-time as best you can and perform your most complex tasks during that time of day.

Don’t work; stay at your desk if required, but use the time to read or surf the internet.

Question 7
When you have tasks that are similar in nature, the most productive way to handle them is:

1 point

Work on them during the same time period; you will be more productive because you are in the same mode.

Never do too much of the same type of work on the same day.

Place other dissimilar tasks in-between them so that you do not get bored.

It does not really matter how you work as long as you finish your work.



Week- 4

Productivity Comes from Paying Attention

Question 1
When you have multiple assignments, multitasking is the most efficient way to complete all of them.

1 point



Question 2
Multitasking and having multiple assignments is not the same thing.

1 point



Question 3
Switching costs is:

1 point

The extra money employers pay for employees who are good at multitasking.

The money some companies fine employees for making mistakes while multitasking.

The extra time it takes to start a task, then stop it, then start it again.

A fee some companies will pay a vendor to complete their work first.

Question 4
One way to help minimize switching costs is to:

1 point

Tell your manager you refuse to multitask.

Keep as many tabs/folders/windows open on your computer as possible.

Refuse to answer your phone or email until you completely finish a task.

Leave yourself a note that lets you know where you left off when you are asked to change tasks.

Question 5
When you have a choice you should:

1 point

Work on many things at a time to keep your interest level high.

Focus on one thing until it is completed or it is time to stop.

Work on no more than three things at a time for maximum efficiency.

Go in and out of different folders and applications as often as possible.

Question 6
When you want to make changes to your work habits, you should try to change as many of your habits as possible.

1 point



Question 7
When you are trying to change your work habits it is a good idea to:

1 point

Stay away from measuring your progress because you might become discouraged.

Reward yourself when you meet your goal; positive reinforcement is helpful.

Do not reward yourself for meeting your goal; that’s for children.

Create a punishment to give yourself for not meeting your goal.